Tuesday, November 6, 2007

OK......I admit it..........


Britt & Keith had been trying for a while to have a child. After going to a fertility clinic for a couple of years, they had started looking into adoption. One Thurs in late Jan, it was the 19th I think, I was Britt's house and she was showing me some adoption literature she had rec'd in the mail that day. The folliwng Mon Jan 23rd Britt called and asked if we wanted to go out to dinner. I had a doctor's appt at 4:45 but figured I'd be out in time to make it. She even wanted me to call Jerry to see if he could meet us at the restaurant. She asked my mom to go, Amber, Davin and their respective boyfriends at the time, and Kaylor. I knew something was up. Could she be pregnant? No way, she had just looked at adoption literature 4 days earlier. That was it, they were going to announce that they had decided to adopt. How exciting!! I was so happy for them.

So halfway through dinner Keith says "Do y'all want the good news or the bad news? The bad news is someone has to pay for dinner. There is no good news". So I sat there waiting...and waiting...and waiting. Finally Britt couldn't take it anymore and said "Ok I can't stand it, mom you're going to be a grandmother". After spitting out my mouth full of tea, I screamed. Everyone in Logan's steakhouse looked at me like I was nuts but I didn't care. I WAS GOING TO BE A GRANDMOTHER!!!!!! Sweetest words I've ever heard (well besides "You're going to be a mom") Turns out that at Britt's appt at the fertility clinic that day, her pregnancy test as positive. I couldn't eat. i was waaayyyy too exicited! I was ready to shop (yah, I always want to shop but really really wanted to then). As soon as we were done Britt, kaylor and I headed to the mall. We parted ways with Kaylor at the door and told him we wouldn't be there long...it was already almost 8 PM. We hit Gap, Belks, Parisians and cleared out the baby depts of every cute outfit we could find, boy or girl (figured we're return whichever we didn't need later). Still chattering away, I dropped Britt off at home, went to our house and showed Jerry & Amber the cute things we had bought. After about 20 min Jerry said "Where's Kaylor?" OMG.........I HAD LEFT MY SON AT THE MALL!!!!! I jumped in the car, called his cell phone and said "Where are you?" He said "I'm outside the closed mall, where are YOU??" Yah, he still reminds me of that to this day, usually when he wants something :-)

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